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Your Money

How ever you earn it, and at whatever stage in your life, a lump sum of money arouses certain feelings- a sense of solidity, of promise, ideas, dreams and hopes. It represents security and risk, excitement and responsibility, your achievements and your future - and your family's future.

And it's yours.

What are YOU going to do with it?

You want to nurture it, protect it, work with it, realise its potential. You want to be involved in every decision, know every permutation of the many events that will affect its growth. You want information at your fingertips, and the power to act swiftly to take advantage of changing conditions.

But you have a business to run, a life to lead, a family to enjoy and so little time already.

How to ACHIEVE the balance?


You could follow the herd and hand it over to the number crunchers of an investment company, choose from their limited menu of investment options and get twice-yearly or, at best, quarterly progress reports, trusting that the so-called big guns will have you, the individual, in mind when making investment decisions.

You could do it all yourself, and devote a lot of very valuable time, energy (not to mention angst) to the treadmill of researching the market, buying and selling shares, bonds and unit trusts, keeping a multitude of records, sorting out capital gains tax, dividend imputation and all the other tax issues, preparing for audit, reporting to all the relevant authorities, making major decisions in the areas that may not be your particular field of expertise.

Capital Creation P/L is a Licensed Dealer in Securities. It is represented by a dedicated team of three advisers and their support staff in the provision of intensive and dynamic service to high net worth individuals in the management of both personal assets and self-managed superannuation and pension funds.

Capital Creation's approach represents the modern face of money management. The client is always involved in the decision making process. The intensive service ensures that consultation occurs before each decision is made. Capital Creation conducts its own research and draws from a further pool of research from some of the worlds largest broking institutions.

All of the painstaking record-keeping is recorded on Capital Creation's state of the art portfolio management system. This ensures a complete chronological record of transactions, security of shares and other certificates and a comprehensive end of year statement for taxation purposes.

Up-to-date portfolio valuations can be accessed through this site together with latest research and market information.

OR you could contact the advisors at Capital Creation.

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